7.2 Age groups

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The Titanic dataset has one quantitative variable: age


The distribution of ages is interesting when you consider that many immigrants were also on the Titanic. They were looking for better living conditions  in America, in particular better than a country like Ireland had to offer at that time.


A dot plot is suitable for a quantitative variable such as age. A dot plot retains all information, even if you have the ages groups in subgroups. Grouping can be really nice on a category variable (qualitative) for each category, you will see a diagram.

A crosstab is also possible because you can edit the ages to a category variable. Then go into detail, data is lost but for a global overview that can be an advantage.

In the dataset there is a qualitative variable age group made with four categories: child, adolescent, adult and older.

View the dataset and orientate you on the theme of age.


